Available courses

The Savings & Internal Lending Communities (SILC) consists of competencies that a self-selected group of people who pool their money into a fund, from which members can borrow. The money is paid back in full, allowing the fund to keep growing. This Qualification that each cycle each member gets his or her savings back in full, and members share the group profit equally. Members are free to use the distributed lump sum as they wish, including reinvestment for another cycle. SILCs also contribute to a secondary fund that is set aside for member emergencies.

facilitationThis unit covers the outcomes required to facilitate the development of competency standards for particular work functions, work processes, work roles and work-related vocational outcomes.Uploading, please wait...

This course details the requirements for determining evidence requirements, selecting appropriate assessment methods, preparing assessment tools, and validating assessment tools in accordance with the relevant assessment guidelines.

This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to undertake a training needs analysis to identify the training needs of individuals or organization


This unit covers the skills and attitudes required to design and develop maintenance system applicable to diverse training facilities. it include verifying maintenance requirements, researching and planning for facility  and  equipment maintenance, establishing of maintenance systems, developing maintenance procedure, researches and plan facility and equipment maintenance, and establish systems for audit and review of the systems and equipment.          

            This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop E-learning resources to support e-based learning mode. Specifically it covers planning, development and testing of digitally formatted learning materials.

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop training materials including print, mock-up/simulator and models.  This includes research and interpret the learning materials requirements, design the learning materials and plan the content, develop the learning material content, review learning materials prior to implementation, evaluate the design and development process of instructional materials.